Which laptop I should buy in 2020?

There are a lot of brands and models for Laptops and most of them are very good brands.

Ariful Haque
2 min readApr 1, 2020
A Front-page interface from TheLaptopList.com

When its time to buy a laptop, we are often very confused. There are a lot of brands and models for Laptops and most of them are very good brands.

Technical specifications are also changing very fast and not everyone can stay updated.

Based on the data from Google and Ahrefs.com, at least a total of 30,000+ people search every month with what laptop they should buy?

To help these people to find the best laptop for them, TheLaptopList.com offered a Laptop Finder tool, which systematically asks a few questions to the visitor and suggests related laptops.

The visitor now has a very small curated list of laptops they can look into and then finally choose the item they want.

TheLaptopList.com Laptop Finder Result

Visitors can also browse other laptops by Brands, Series, and models if they want to look for other laptops available on the market to research more on the buying decision.

This is also possible to browse laptops by category, for example, Laptops for Students, Business Laptops, Laptops for Programming, 2-in-1 Laptops, etc.

Is TheLaptopList.com necessary?

Doing the proper research before buying a laptop is very important. It is more important to narrow down your list of items to research and this tool can help with this.

Once you find your laptop list, you can check individual items for the specs, pros, cons, features, similar alternatives, etc.

Are you facing this problem when want to buy a laptop? Let us know in the comment what do you think about this solution.


Just want to share the disclaimer that this TheLaptopList.com website is my personal side project. If you have any inquiries or comments, please let me know.



Ariful Haque

Passionate Software Engineer | Founder of LaptopList.com | Enthusiast Photographer